HERITAGE & UPDATE_Based on the figure The Archivist, KNSTFGR_1 appears as a grey and masked figure, scanning and archiving Everything. KNSTFGR_1 represents the endless collecting, categorizing and interlinking of data which plays an important role in a society based on flow of information. The panoptic gaze of the figure is made face-less by the mask but the constant flow of information that surrounds it is made audible.

COSTUME_The costume consist of a grey cotton overall, a silver mirror mask and one white glove. A device that is hidden in the costume transforms WiFi-waves into sound and makes them audible through a bluetooth speaker attached to the costume.

function run_1()
{If the program starts, KNSTFGR_1 runs static, rigid, precise and in normal speed. A change of direction is only possible within a 45° or 90° angle;}

function scanEnvironment()
{If KNSTFGR_1 stops and has a good view on the environment, the scanning process begins; turning the head slowly from left to right and back. If KNSTFGR_1 senses an interaction of two or more objects in the environment scanObject() is executed;}

function scanObject()
{If KNSTFGR_1 scans an object , the head is fixed into the direction of the object. The head slowly tends down than up and down again to stop in the middle; consequently storeFile() is executed;}

function storeFile()
{If KNSTFGR_1 is finished to execute scanObject() the interaction is framed with a gesture of the hands and a picture is taken; the picture is stored in the archive; consequently run_1() is executed;}

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