HERITAGE & UPDATE_Based on Zero, this figure is named KNSTFGR_0, creating itself as figure and posing in a reflecting armor. KNSTFGR_0 embodies not only the construction of the "I" in general, but also the staging of the digital self in Social Media. Her shell protects her identity, while at the same time serving as a mirror of her environment. The armor fractures incoming light, revealing every movement of the body as choreography of light and letting space and body work in unison.

COSTUME_Made of rigid materials, the armor is mounted directly to the body, making the figure's posture and range of movement dependent on the costume. Strong magnets hold the parts in place and make them de- and re-attachable at any time.

function create()
{KNSTFGR_0 is lying on the ground surrounded by parts of silver armour. She puts on her armour piece by piece and gets more and more stable as she does so. Finally, she stands stable and upright;}

function pose()
{If KNSTFGR_0 senses a source of light, the gaze of the camera or KNSTFGR_1 she starts to pose as long as those triggers are in her presence, consequently run() is executed;}

function run_0()
{KNSTFGR_0 runs confident, slowly, delicate. If parts of armour fall off, she stops and reattaches them to her body;}

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